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Details About Adventures In A Practice - Many Ages, In-Person

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One really can develop a thriving, sustainable practice that covers many locations and works with many different types of clients while still being able to travel or fulfill additional interests, or even just be at home instead of in an office, or do both. Build trust and loyalty among your clients in a special way. Through this lecture you will learn both the practical information and the artful nuances needed to make this work. Whether you want a multi-state practice or a single location practice you can learn how to expand your practice and how to make the phone and Skype work for you. This lecture provides a look at a unique way to practice---in multi-states, with multi-ages, in multi-ways including In person and By Phone or By Skype. Attendees will gain practical information about how to make this type of practice work; how to expand knowledge about how to work with many different ages; what consideration are needed to examine and complete in order to work in different states; how to grow the nuanced skills needed to work by phone and Skype; how to make your practice fit your lifestyle; and how doing so builds trust and loyalty which are cornerstones of a sustainable practice and a practice that truly best serves the clients. Listeners will gain new approaches and creative ways to build or expand their practice and learn how to broaden the range and depth of knowledge needed to work with a wide variety of client ages and issues. [Lecture 2017]

CD $15.00

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